Remember this post? Well here's the big reveal as to what the decision was we were trying to make. Our 3rd son went to kindergarten last year and did fine, but didn't necessarily thrive. I thought for certain this summer would bring big changes for him in maturity, academics etc...
Well those changes didn't happen to the extent I was hoping for. He is a young buck for school, his birthday is in June. So starting in about July I started thinking of having him repeat kindergarten. Basically the shortened version of a very long story is that he is going to repeat kindergarten to give himself another year under his belt and to feel successful and confident in school and in himself.
I am certain this is the right decision for him...however it has not been an easy road. Many educators do not feel that retention is beneficial, in fact many feel it is a detriment (and whether it is a detriment to the child or to the school's numbers/budget is debateable in my mind). I am his mother and I know what is best for him and believe me my "Mrs Weasley" or "Mama Bear" had to come out in a big way this week (along with some tears and some VERY direct conversations and emails from this girl who HATES conflict and is a people pleaser). This process has felt as if it was one brick wall after another in front of us. But just because this wasn't easy, doesn't mean it wasn't the right took persistence and sticking to what I KNEW to be right in order for it to happen. We as Moms HAVE to be our child's biggest advocate and cheerleader. We have to push for what is best for them even if it isn't popular or looked upon positively by the so called experts. WE are the experts on our children and we must be there for them to be as successful as they possibly can be. We must build them up in such a way that they feel they can overcome anything because they know their Mom has their back. We must teach them..."You is kind, you is smart, you is important" (my favorite quote from "The Help" in case you haven't read or seen the it!) and if they believe that and know their Mother believes it they can conquer anything! My husband was also very involved in this process, I want to give him credit as well as he is on board with this and was awesome in helping make this happen!
Call it my Mother's intuition, call it the Holy Spirit (one and the same if you ask me) but I have rarely been so certain about something in my life regarding one of my children. It has been a learning process for sure. Just because something isn't easy doesn't mean it isn't right. Just because brick walls seem to be popping up at every turn doesn't mean you don't break them down and plow forward. This is a lesson I need to remember for many other things in my life that I am sure will not be easy...but will still be right regardless of the difficulty!