Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Mother's Love...


A big movie came out this past weekend. We were one of the crazies who did the midnight showing. My husband took our 12 and 10 year old....they didn't get home till 3 a.m.! They LOVED it and what memories it made! I went to see the movie (because I was as excited as my kids about it) Friday night with 3 girlfriends. LOVED IT...every minute! I clapped and cheered and cried.

Are you aware that Harry Potter is about mothers? The entire premise of the books is a Mother's Love. Harry was the "boy who lived" only because of his mother's sacrifice and deep and abiding love of him.

Albus Dumbledore talking to Harry at the end of book 1:
"Your mother died to save you. If there is one thing Voldemort cannot understand, it is love. He didn't realize that love as powerful as your mother's for you leaves its own mark. Not a scar, no visible sign ... to have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever."

My favorite parts of the movie/book were about Mothers. Molly Weasley has always been one of my favorite characters in the books. She is so spunky, she is such a natural nurturer, she takes Harry into her home like one of her own children without a 2nd thought. At the end of the movie Bellatrix messes with fact she tries to kill Ginny and Molly's MAMA BEAR comes out in a big way! IT IS AWESOME! (Bellatrix is also one of my favorite characters but in a completely different way..the actress who plays her is brilliant because she is so totally evil and actually frightening!)

Mama Malfoy also proves that she has a heart and will do anything for her boy. (even though I think the Malfoys are cowards and two faced, it warmed my heart a bit to see their devotion to their son)

But my favorite Mommy moment of all was when Harry was going to the Forbidden Forest to fulfill his destiny and he was frightened. All of a sudden he is surrounded by those he loves who had passed on...but especially Lily, his mother, he couldn't get enough of her. From the book:

"Lily's smile was widest of all....her green eyes, so like his, searched his face hungrily, as though she would never be able to look at him enough. "You've been so brave" (she says to Harry). He could not speak. His eyes feasted on her, and he thought that he would like to stand and look at her forever, and that would be enough..... Harry looked at his mother, 'Stay close to me' he said quietly. In the movie she responds, 'I always have been.' " (Deathly Hallows pgs 699-799))

Lily is the true heroine in this entire series. She gave up her life so he could live and because of her evil was eradicated and good prevailed. We moms leave a mark that stays with our children FOREVER. Our love can overcome almost anything. It can give our children strength to stand up for what they believe, to fulfill their God given mission in life and to face huge challenges.

So my fellow Moms, give yourself some credit (and reward yourself and go see Harry's worth it to see Molly Weasley stand up to scary Bellatrix!)

Monday, July 11, 2011

A whole new world....

Have you ever done something to just tweak your normal routine that makes a big difference? I have discovered a whole new world with this one simple idea...


You may ask yourself how paper plates have changed my world?? Well you see, I am the youngest child of 7 and have lots of great role models who are amazing Moms. My sis-in-law has always had the practice of using paper plates for lunch....actually any type of lunch/snack food. I don't know about you, but in the summer it seems like as soon as I get breakfast cleaned up in the morning, it's time for lunch and another mess.

I have adopted the paper plate philosophy this summer and I am telling you has quite possibly changed my life...tear :) (Especially when your dishwasher has gone kaput and saving for a heavy duty one!). If you haven't tried it I would highly recommend!

What is a small change you have made in your routine/life that has made a big difference?

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Swimsuit fear...

(kinda wish just a little bit that this was still what swimwear looked like)

I had an "AHA" moment this week. I was talking with a friend about the HEAT of the summer (today it was 114 folks!) and how to stay cool and keep kiddos entertained. That led to a conversation about getting in a swimsuit..which so happens to be not very fun for me or many other Mommys I think right? or is it just me?? I feel so self conscious at the pool (remember this post?)

But then I kids could care less about what I look like in a swimsuit. All they want is for me to be there with them, watching the jump off the side, swimming underwater for the first time, blowing bubbles and laughing and smiling. I want them to remember me as the Mom who is THERE where they are, doing what they love...not the Mom who is too self-conscious about her body to put on the dreaded swimsuit (besides, what message does that send to them about body image?). It just doesn't's not about ME anymore, it's about THEM!