That being said Being a Mom is hard work. Many days I am overwhelmed and discouraged. Many days I get very frustrated with my kids. Many days I want to pull my hair out due to the mess and chaos that seems to reign in my house. I say this because I don't think we talk about it enough, we put on the happy face and everyone thinks we do everything well. Well I don't do everything well. Stop by spontaneously to see me and you will see that organization and housekeeping are not my strong suits. In fact today is a rough day and I feel like my laundry and cleaning are my Mount Everests.
Most of the time I'm not frustrated with being a Mom, I'm frustrated with all the other things I need to do. I love being a Mom with everything I have. It's what I've always wanted to do, I get frustrated with not having the time to do what I want to as a Mom because the house is calling and the laundry is piling up etc.. If I had unlimited resources I would pay for someone to do my daily chores so I could focus on my kids and being a Mom. I don't have depression but some days I feel discouraged and down on myself and life in general.
There are lots of things that help me overcome some of these feelings. Going to the temple, reading my scriptures, prayers etc..... But there is one tool that I have not utilized enough in the past that is helping me immensely lately.
It not only helps me be physically healthy, it also helps me be emotionally healthy. It relieves stress, it gives me added energy. My kids and husband can tell the days I exercise and the days I don't. It's dang hard to find time to do with with 5 children. It's extremely inconvenient with a husband who leaves for work before 6 most days. But it is worth the inconvenience to get the pay off. I only get to do it for about 30 minutes 3-5 days a week. But that 30 minutes of investing in me is paying huge dividends. You wouldn't look at my body and think I'm a woman who loves to exercise. I'm not doing it to lose weight, I'm doing it for my health in all aspects. I am happier and healthier than I have been in years. I'm a convert and it's a habit that is going to stick around for a long time.