Sunday, June 5, 2011

Burned out....updated

I love being a is all I ever wanted to be "when I grew up". I played with dolls till I was 12. Most days I feel like I am living my dream....

However I am burned out. My baby has been sick for over a week...I mean really sick. High fever, not sleeping, totally miserable, cannot console him sick. Double ear infections (viral apparently since the antibiotic isn't doing a darn thing for them), sore throat and a head to toe itchy rash will do it to you I suppose. Now we are quarantined until the rash is gone because they have no idea what it is....a "non-specific" viral rash (is code for we don't know what the heck is wrong with your baby).

I have great sympathy for this darling boy and feel so bad for him.... but I want my happy, busy, charming, baby back (who happens to sleep well when he isn't sick). He just started taking his 1st steps the day or two before he got sick. Since his illness...not a step taken.

I am tired and burned out. And my other kids get out of school this week and are expecting me to entertain them....wonderful.

Okay...I will be back to my normal self who loves being a Mommy soon enough, but for now I just needed a bit of a pity party. Thanks for coming....

Pity Party over....soon you realize that someone else always has a heavier burden than you do. Someone very angelic who is carrying a hard burden brought me some sweet treats tonight just to brighten my day...thank know who you are!


Ber said...

I think you deserve a big pity party! Your sweet hubby asked us to pray for your baby today because of what he's going through. So he's going to have many many prayers coming his way and your way and before you know it, he'll be back to that happy busy, getting ready to walk, then run baby! When he's all better and things are back to normal, we'll have to have a huge girl's night out with lots of chocolate and diet coke! :) Hang in there!

Sheree Flick Photography said...

I am sorry Andrew is so sick. I hope he gets feeling better real soon and that you all can get some much needed rest tonight.

Sarah said...

Having sick kids is terrible! I hope he starts feeling better really soon. For his sake and yours.